Cat health & behaviour

black cat laying next to flowers

What flowers are poisonous to cats?

11th August, 2023

When you think about your cat, you probably picture them curled up in a sunbeam, chasing a toy mouse, or perhaps even nibbling on some greenery. Cats are curious creatures and often explore their environment through their sense of taste. Unfortunately for most cats, their curiosity can sometimes lead them to ingest things that are not good for them, like certain types of flowers....

grey cat itching their face

Decoding feline health: Understanding the scabs on your cat's skin

9th August, 2023

Welcome to a journey into the world of feline health. If you're a cat owner, you've likely asked this question at some point: "What are these scabs on my cat's skin?" You see your beloved feline friend scratching, biting, or licking a particular spot, and upon closer examination, you find sores on their skin, causing you to worry. ...

tabby cat listening

A step-by-step guide on how to teach a cat their name

2nd August, 2023

As a cat owner, you may have wondered if it is possible to teach your feline friend their name. The good news is that cats are intelligent and can learn to recognise their name....

long haired cat wearing a harness

Master the art of cat harnessing: A step-by-step guide on how to put a harness on your feline friend

31st July, 2023

Learn the benefits of walking your cat on a leash and learn how to properly put a harness on your feline friend....

cat sneezing into tissue

Can cats get colds?

20th July, 2023

Learn when coughing and spluttering could be a sign of cat flu and what you can do to help and prevent repeat infections. ...

woman cuddling cat

How to correctly pet your cat

19th July, 2023

Is your cat not keen on cuddles? Do they avoid your lap at all costs? Maybe you’re not petting them correctly! Here’s how to do it the right way…...

cat having an ultrasound

What is spontaneous abortion in cats?

30th March, 2023

Worried your beloved cat may have had a spontaneous abortion? Read our guide to what signs to look out for, potential causes and how your vet can help....

Fluffy cat

Charities recommend neutering cats at a young age

22nd March, 2023

Did you know that female cats can have their own kittens from as early as four months old? With so many cats in need of a safe and happy home, it’s important to get young cats neutered to prevent any unwanted litters....

cat eating biscuits with tablets mixed in

How to notice if your cat has worms

21st March, 2023

Worms in cats can be harmful to your pet’s health but are easily preventable and treated. Get to know what signs to look for and how to keep the parasites at bay....