Cat health & behaviour

The differences and similarities between cats and dogs

The differences and similarities between cats and dogs

4th September, 2019

Are you a dog or a cat person? No points for guessing, this probably isn’t the first time you’ve been asked to ponder such a decision. With so many differences in their personalities, behaviour and individual requirements, dogs and cats come with quite a few differences....

How do I train my kitten to use the litter tray?

How do I train my kitten to use the litter tray?

7th August, 2019

When you welcome a new kitten into your home, you have hours of fun ahead of you. But in those first few days it’s also important to master some of the basic household rules – like where your kitty should go to toilet....

AI-powered cat flap stops cat bringing home prey

AI-powered cat flap stops cat bringing home prey

11th July, 2019

If your furry friend has a tendency to catch rodents or birds and bring them home, you’ll admire the work of Amazon employee Ben Hamm, who has spent hours (and hours) training a machine-learning system to stop his ‘sweet, murderous’ cat Metric from coming in through the cat flap when carrying prey....